Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Chloroplasts make the food for this cell. It also makes the green of the plant. They are only found in plant cells, and on some protists.
Structure of a chloroplast It also gives you some extra information. Now it creates the sugar for the plant, yes sugar. There is a song I would like you to hear. Just click this and you press enter and that will get you to remember.
This song is made by the Archie's but this is a prodigy. This one made by eddsworld.

Chloroplasts help the plant have that green look to them and also animals don't have these of course. Every plant that you see that's green is working hard to convert the sun's energy into these sugars. Of course plants help us live. Without Chloroplasts how would we tell if the plant is dying or not? you wouldn't know and then cut it down. then we all die just like that plant. this next quoted sentence is from

"They create sugars and the byproduct of that process is the oxygen that we breathe."
again where that information is from is the site above.

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