Wednesday, December 12, 2012


 Mitosis cell division

Click on link to show the different features of mitosis BELOW.

Click it and it will show you the different fazes.
It tells you the fazes on the left hand side.

Mitosis is the process by which Dividing cells and making two daughter cells that happen a lot in little kid bodies. That process will slow down a lot more when you get older.
Now it won't stop it will just get slower.
It will not move as quickly as it did, the more older that you are the more it slows down.
This is a way your body is starting to grow and develop.

And on the left side where the fazes of mitosis are you can scroll over them and Up above you will see it change and tell you some facts.

Then last but not least something fun.
Made by... Sciencemusicvideos

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